Editor’s Note: The following is an excerpt from Evin Demirel’s TheSports Seer website. He outlines part of a conversation former North Little Rock head football coach Brad Bolding’s lawyer had recently on the radio.
By Evin Demirel
Good stuff from Sports Talk with Bo Mattingly on the latest concerning the K.J. Hill/Brad Bolding/Potentially A Whole Lot More controversy smoking in North Little Rock right now. The fallout has been swift and deep – head football coach Bolding dismissed, North Little Rock High forfeiting its 2014 state basketball title and now K.J. Hill’s amateur status in doubt.
Much of the issue traces back to a $600 check K.J. Hill’s stepfather Montez Peterson was given in February 2013. Peterson was then a North Little Rock football team volunteer while Hill had not yet transferred from Bryant to NLRHS (that would happen two months later).
Was this illegal recruiting? Despite Peterson’s adamant denial, some believe that check confirms Hill’s move to North Little Rock (which Peterson said was inevitable at that point anyway). And was Hill even living in a North Little Rock High School district zone? This, and more, were things Mattingly brought up in an interview with Brad Bolding’s attorney David Couch on Friday.