Sporting Life Arkansas

#SLAChat for Feb. 12


We host #slachat Twitter Chat each Tuesday night at 8 pm.

If you are not a Twitter user, you can follow the discussion right here! Use #slachat to follow.

Topics for the live discussion Tuesday, Feb 12, 2013:


  1. Signing Day has come and gone: Who were the biggest signees for your team? Who were you most surprised to get? What is your biggest concern for the upcoming season, now that you know who your team signed?
  2. Let’s talk hoops: The Razorbacks STILL are winless on the road, and Arkansas State and UALR face each other in a HUGE game Thursday night. Some of the smaller-college basketball teams are coming in strong in the final weeks of regular season. So let’s break it all down in the world of Arkansas hoops.
  3. Sports figures and Twitter: From @timbrando to @bretbielema to @lsucoachmiles, you never know what you are going to get in your Twitter stream from the wide world of sports. Is it travel trips and grouching (Brando)? Play-by-play from Les Miles or is it cryptic breaking news on the inner-workings of the coaching staff and players from Bielema? Who are your “must-follow” sports figures on Twitter and why?

We hope you’ll join us in the fun.