We nearly had a heart attack today when we got a call that workers were monkeying around with the old scoreboard at what used to be Ray Winder Field off of I-630 in Little Rock.
Crews were seen painting over the old advertising on the scoreboard, which is now owned by the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences. Last year about this time Ray Winder Field was demolished. Reports at the time indicated UAMS would maintain the scoreboard and incorporate it or the iconic Timex clock atop the board into any new structures built on the site.
Leslie W. Taylor, the vice chancellor, communications and marketing at UAMS, says the old scoreboard needed a paint job and it was an opportunity to paint over old advertising on the sign. She said UAMS intends to maintain the integrity of the scoreboard and at some point will paint UAMS-related messages where the old advertising used to be.
Taylor also said UAMS has looked into getting the Timex clock working again, but because of the expense associated with that project, they haven’t done it, yet.