Sporting Life Arkansas

What is a Hammertoe?

Hammertoe is characterized by a deformity of the second, third or fourth toes where the toe bends into a fixed position at the middle joint to form a hammer shape. Ill-fitting shoes or a muscular imbalance in the foot most frequently causes hammertoe. Shoes that are too tight and narrow fitting in the toe force the toes into a bent position where they rub against the shoe material, causing calluses and corns that can worsen the condition. High heels can also force more pressure on the toes.

The muscles of the toes work in pairs to bend and straighten, and when a toe is forced into bent position for extended periods of time, it can lose its ability to straighten the toe. Symptoms of hammertoe include corns and calluses on the toe joints as well as pain in the toes and  difficulty straightening them. Wearing properly fitting footwear can prevent most cases of hammertoe, however some cases appear due to genetic predisposition to the deformity.