Stress fractures are small cracks occurring most often in the weight-bearing bones of the leg and foot. They appear primarily due to overuse of the extremities and repetitive actions such as jumping and long distance running. Stress fractures can also occur when a bone has been weakened by a degenerative disease such as osteoporosis or arthritis.
When stress fractures occur due to overuse, it is because the muscles become too strained when exercising. When the muscles become too fatigued to support the body’s movement and absorb shock, the stress is transferred to the bones, which can cause them to crack under the pressure. These injuries can occur when one increases the intensity of their workout routine drastically, without allowing the muscles to accommodate the new load. Some of the most common sports that cause stress fractures are basketball, track and field, gymnastics and ballet. Health-related factors can contribute to the formation of stress fractures including bulimia and anorexia, which can decrease bone health due to malnutrition.