Sporting Life Arkansas

What is Sesamoiditis?

SesamoiditisSesamoiditis occurs when the tissue surrounding the sesamoid bones of the foot — which are located on either side of the hallux (big toe), one on the outer side of the foot and the other towards the center of the foot — become irritated and inflamed due to overuse. The primary  functions of the sesamoid bones are to absorb impact and to allow the hallux to smoothly move up and down during activity.

Sesamoiditis, which is a type of tendonitis, occurs due to repeated pressure placed on the forefoot and most commonly affects ballet dancers, runners and those who participate in any activity that places repetitive force onto the ball of the foot.

Symptoms include foot pain that does not dissipate. The pain may be mild at first and increase over time. Also, stiffness in the hallux may be a sign of sesamoiditis.