Sporting Life Arkansas

WinChill Factor: No Mo’ Cowbell


Wait…we have to play more Bulldogs?  We just played some Bulldogs – and it wasn’t a whole lotta fun.  

But honestly, when I think of THE Mississippi State University, I really don’t associate them with the loyal Bulldog breed (which is, apparently, the mascot of choice among 67.4% of all high school, junior college and 4-year institutions of higher learning – perhaps originality is over-rated).  Instead, I immediately think of their stinkin’ cowbells.

Oh, how they love their cowbell.

With somewhat sincere apologies to Gene Frenkle (Will Ferrell) and THE Bruce Dickinson (Christopher Walken) … I could use a little less cowbell.  After all, in the hands of Starkville-ites, they are almost as annoying as the vuvuzelas (or “lepatata Mambu” if we want to use its given Tswana name) are in soccer matches.

But, tradition is tradition and the SEC is – thankfully – all about tradition.  So, the official rules were curiously revised earlier this year and made a little more lenient with regard to dem thar bells.  The SEC now allows MSU fans to ring their bell right up to the time the center stands over the football – at which point we can legally shush them.  Once the play is whistled dead, they can resume the insanity with their “traditional institutional noisemakers” (which is fancy-schmancy lawyer speak for:  cowbells).

If MSU doesn’t abide by the rule, they will be guilty of their third offense (yes, they’ve already had their first and second strikes), which will result in a monetary penalty of $50,000.  Wow.  A whole gosh-golly-gee-whiz fifty grand.  I bet they’re just shaking in their Dingo boots.  Fortunately for MSU, they are currently bringing in money down there so fast that even Jay-Z is fiscally impressed.

Personally, I prefer a fan base that doesn’t need performance enhancing machinery.  Going au naturel just feels more genuine.  Yes, indeed, I am quite happy and thankful for our crisp, concise and thoroughly unique Hog Call.

Ya hear me…“Bulldogs”? 


This week’s WinChill Factor is the Arkansas Defense – particularly the big guys up front.  Stop the run, and we stop MSU.  Expecting big things this week from, among others, Trey Flowers and Martrell Spaight.  The D has been improving week by week and, let’s face it, it is TIME FOR AN SEC WIN.

What better time and place to do it than in beautiful, luscious Starkville, Mississippi?

Until next time:  Fear the Sleeves.

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Coach Bielema’s Windbreaker made its physical presence known on August 31, 2013.  It is chock full of Razorback spirit, has an unhealthy hatred of sweater vests and fears nothing (other than a hot iron on the “Cotton/Linen” setting).  As game days approach, the Windbreaker can be found interacting with the Razorback faithful on Twitter (@BielWindbreaker).