Although construction on the old lady began in 1947, it opened on September 18, 1948 with an original seating capacity of 31,075.
That’s 65 years ago (or, if you are the ownership of the Atlanta Braves, that equates to a period sometime around the Jurassic Age).
It’s showing its age. Of course, there have been some face lifts and some improvements here and there. But still, 65 years.
Does it have all the amenities of Reynolds Razorback Stadium? No. Does it have an awesome team store and a wicked, cool big screen for replays and fan friendly photo-bombing? No, not really. Does it have comfortable seating? No. To the contrary, it contains standard issue aluminum bleachers found at local high schools everywhere. Does it have….
You get the point. I could go on and on. The old lady is, of course, War Memorial Stadium. I could list a thousand things that it doesn’t have. On the other hand, it does have one thing that no other stadium in the world has: my heart.
I love War Memorial Stadium. I embrace it like no other structure of steel, aluminum and concrete. It is the living embodiment of the Razorback Spirit. It is resilient, unpredictable and surprisingly adorable. It actually “fits” Little Rock. Something about tailgating on a golf course within a stone’s throw of a zoo is just ridiculously wonderful. The intimacy it generates brings the crowd together to rise up when the Hogs need it most. Pound for pound, it can be a very, very LOUD place.
To be sure, the crowd may rise up just to get some room. The width of the seats is apparently based on the size of the butts in 1948. Let’s be honest… we are a larger people these days. Plus, the Wave should have been outlawed by the Legislature 25 years ago. (Seriously, stop. The Wave is to stadiums what Members Only jackets are to fashion; which is to say, DONE).
It is a delicious slice of heaven in Arkansas because really, really, really weird stuff happens there. A lot.
From the 1974 victory over USC, to the tussles with Texas, the shoot-outs with ye olde Houston Cougars and the miraculous wins versus LSU, it is a place of magic.
We don’t know how many more opportunities the grand old lady will have to host our Razorbacks. Let’s make each game special. Let’s get loud. Let’s get proud. And let’s get a win over the Mississippi State Bulldogs… just like the old days.
This week’s WinChill Factor is Brandon Allen. Why? Because I am more than a little tired of the bashing he gets week in and week out on the airwaves. He’s a gamer, WinChillers. Is he the second coming of Tom Brady? No. But he’s also not the second coming of Bobby Brady. He works his tail off and does the best he can. Simply put, he’s the starting quarterback of your Arkansas Razorbacks for the next two games. I, for one, will be rallying around him because he deserves a win.
Until next week, Fear the Sleeves.
Coach Bielema’s Windbreaker made its physical presence known on August 31, 2013. It is chock full of Razorback spirit, has an unhealthy hatred of sweater vests and fears nothing (other than a hot iron on the “Cotton/Linen” setting). As game days approach, the Windbreaker can be found interacting with the Razorback faithful on Twitter (@BielWindbreaker).
At times, the Windbreaker associates with Shayne Smith, a lifelong resident of central Arkansas who has been known to begin sentences with “Notwithstanding the foregoing….”