We host SLA Twitter Chat (#slachat) each Tuesday night at 8 pm.
Use the hashtag #slachat to follow along on Twitter.
If you are not a Twitter user, you can follow the discussion right here!
Topics for the live discussion Tuesday, June 25, 2013:
- Bryan Harsin – is he the real deal? Can he keep the momentum going in Jonesboro? What are your expectations for the season?
- College Football Preview Season – Preseason prognostications are not being kind to The Razorbacks. Too harsh? Too easy?
- Scottie Pippen – Where does he rate as a player? What about his overall legacy? What are your favorite memories of him?
- The NBA Draft – Will BJ Young and Marshawn Powell get drafted?
We hope you’ll join us in the fun.
Twitter Chat With Sporting Life Arkansas about “#slachat”